Why Did America Have a Desire to €œbegin Again” After 1975?

Bilateral relations

Indonesia – Us relations
Map indicating locations of Indonesia and USA

Republic of indonesia

United States
Diplomatic mission
Indonesian Embassy, Washington, D.C. United States Embassy, Jakarta

Indonesia and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1949. Relations are generally potent and close. Both are republics, and each nation reciprocally recognizes the strategic importance of their counterpart.[i]

Indonesia's people take generally viewed the U.S. adequately positively, with 61% of Indonesians viewing the U.S. favorably in 2002, failing slightly downward to 54% in 2011, increasing to 59% in 2014,[2] and increasing further to 62% in 2015 (compared to but 26% who had an unfavorable view).[3] Indonesian views of the U.S. have declined significantly during the Trump Administration,[ specify ] with 43% of Indonesians viewing the U.S. positively in 2018 (a nearly 20 point drop from the stop of Barack Obama'southward term) compared to 42% who viewed the U.South. negatively.[4]

According to the 2012 U.S. Global Leadership Report, 23% of Indonesians approve of U.South. leadership, with 31% disapproving and 46% uncertain.[5]

History [edit]

19th Century [edit]

In 1831, the natives living in the hamlet of Kuala Batee (located on the island of Sumatra, so office of the Dutch Due east Indies) massacred the crew of a U.S. merchant ship. This led to the punitive First Sumatran Trek, a during which U.S. and Dutch troops raided the settlement.

The U.S. navy returned to Sumatra during the 2nd Sumatran Expedition, launched in response to an assault on another U.S. merchant transport by Malay pirates.

1949–1975 [edit]

Sukarno and Nixon in 1956.

Much to the annoyance of the Dutch, the United States played a major role in the enervating Indonesian independence in the late 1940s. The Cold State of war played a critical role as the Indonesian Republic conclusively demonstrated its willingness and ability to suppress internal communist threats, as directed by the Comintern. U.Southward. policy since the 1940s has been to support Indonesia and help information technology avoid communism and was the primary provider of armaments. After Japan, Republic of indonesia was the largest pro-U.S. nation in Asia. Information technology hosted American investments in petroleum and raw materials and controlled a highly strategic location well-nigh vital aircraft lanes.[6]

The Dutch attempted to regain control of Indonesia after the surrender of Japan. Notwithstanding, nether the Japanese occupation, the nationalist new government had arisen that resisted the Netherlands, leading to a four-year armed and diplomatic conflict. The U.South. took the lead in the United Nations enervating a Dutch withdrawal and Washington threatened to cut off Marshall programme aid. Indonesia gained total independence from the netherlands in 1949. Indonesia nationalized more than a m Dutch companies, and 9 out of 10 of the Dutch residents returned to kingdom of the netherlands, along with thousands of pro-Dutch Indonesians. Although considered a triumph of nationalism, information technology resulted in a prolonged economic low due to the country's lack of capital and managerial skills.[vii] Indonesia helped sponsor the Not-Aligned Motility along with Republic of india and Yugoslavia to assert its independence from both the U.S. and the Soviet Union. When Republic of indonesia started selling safety to Communist Communist china in the mid-1950s, the Eisenhower administration protested and persuaded Djakarta to cease the sales, allowing friendly relations to resume.[8] [9]

The U.Southward. under President John F. Kennedy intervened in the West New Guinea dispute between Indonesia and holland, due to Indonesia'south buy of Soviet arms and planned invasion of the territory. U.S. diplomat Ellsworth Bunker brokered the New York Agreement, which somewhen ceded Due west New Guinea to Indonesia in 1969 subsequently a controversial referendum.[x] The administration of Lyndon B. Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam, which greatly heightened tensions with Indonesia in 1964–65. Relations deteriorated further with Republic of indonesia's opposition to the formation of Malaysia that led to war. By mid-1965, Sukarno was edging closer to China, denounced U.Due south imperialism, and inspired anti-American demonstrations. Following an attempted coup on September 30, 1965, and the ensuing massacres of communists, the pro-Western Suharto came to power in 1968, and the U.S. started providing financial and military help to Indonesia.[11] [12]

Democratic republic of timor-leste crisis: 1975–2002 [edit]

The victory of left-fly Fretilin in a ceremonious war in Democratic republic of timor-leste caused alarm in Republic of indonesia, which feared a hostile left-wing base that would promote secessionist movements within Indonesia.[13] Anti-Fretilin activists from the other main parties fled to West Timor, a office of Republic of indonesia, and called upon Djakarta to annex the old Portuguese colony. On December 6, 1975, Ford and Kissinger met Indonesian President Suharto in Dki jakarta and indicated the U.Southward. would not take a position on East timor. Indonesia invaded the next day and made East Timor its 27th province. The Un, with U.Due south. support, chosen for the withdrawal of the Indonesian forces. The 25-year Indonesian occupation of Due east Timor was characterized by continuous and violent clashes betwixt separatist groups (especially Fretilin) and the Indonesian military. Information technology was not until 1999 that Indonesia relinquished control of Democratic republic of timor-leste following an Australian-led international intervention. East timor later became an independent country in 2002.[14] [15]

Recent research into newly opened documents indicates that anti-Communism was not the chief reason for Western support of Indonesia'southward takeover of East Timor. Analysts in Washington and NATO concluded that East timor was as well small and too unstable to survive on its ain. Furthermore, at that place was a clear need to maintain friendly relations with Indonesia due to its growing size and importance in a critical region.[sixteen] Following the invasion, U.Southward. military assist averaged about $30 million annually throughout the occupation of Democratic republic of timor-leste, and arms sales increased exponentially under President Jimmy Carter. This policy continued until 1999 when President Neb Clinton was outraged by Indonesia'due south disobedience of East timor referendum results that heavily favored independence.[17]

Since 2000 [edit]

With the cease of the Common cold War in 1989 and the resolution of the Democratic republic of timor-leste crisis in 2000, relations between Indonesia and the U.Southward. have been untroubled. By 2000, relations reached an all-time high. Rapprochement was made successful past Indonesia's transition to democracy with free elections, and its effective counter-terrorism strategies. The George W. Bush-league assistants claimed a part of the credit by arguing that the Bush doctrine advocated democracy as an antidote to terrorism, and Republic of indonesia'south experience vindicated the doctrine. The Barack Obama assistants celebrates shared democratic values and interests and recognizes Indonesia'south increasingly influential role in earth affairs. Efforts by 2010 were underway for the two countries to create a 'Comprehensive Partnership Agreement' (CPA) encompassing enhanced security, economical and educational date, too as cooperation on transnational problems such as climate change.[18] [19]

Recent relations [edit]

Widodo and U.S. President Joe Biden, 1 Nov 2021

The The states has pregnant economic, commercial, and security interests in Indonesia. It remains a linchpin of regional security due to its strategic location astride several vital international maritime straits, especially the Malacca Strait. Relations betwixt Indonesia and the U.S. are more often than not positive and have advanced since the election of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2004.[ commendation needed ]

Cooperative relations are maintained today, although no formal security treaties bind the ii countries. The U.S. and Indonesia share the mutual goal of maintaining peace, security, and stability in the region and engaging in a dialogue on threats to regional security. Cooperation between the U.S. and Republic of indonesia on counter-terrorism has increased steadily since 2002, as terrorist attacks in Bali (October 2002 and Oct 2005), Dki jakarta (August 2003 and September 2004) and other regional locations demonstrated the presence of terrorist organizations, principally Jemaah Islamiyah, in Indonesia. The U.S. has welcomed Republic of indonesia'due south contributions to regional security, specially its leading office in helping restore commonwealth in Cambodia and in mediating territorial disputes in the South Communist china Sea.

The U.S. is committed to consolidating Republic of indonesia's democratic transition and supports the territorial integrity of the country. Nonetheless, at that place are friction points in the bilateral relations. These conflicts have centered primarily on human rights, too as on differences in foreign policy. The U.S. Congress cut off grant war machine training assistance through International Military Education and Preparation (IMET) to Republic of indonesia in 1992 in response to a Nov 12, 1991, incident in East Timor when Indonesian security forces shot and killed East Timorese demonstrators. This restriction was partially lifted in 1995. Military assistance programs were again suspended, however, in the aftermath of the violence and destruction in East Timor following the August xxx, 1999 referendum favoring independence.

Separately, the U.S. had urged the Indonesian government to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of the August 2002 ambush murders of 2 U.S. teachers near Timika, Papua. In 2005, the Secretarial assistant of State certified that Indonesian cooperation in the murder investigation had met the atmospheric condition set by Congress, enabling the resumption of full IMET. Eight suspects were arrested in January 2006, and in November 2006 7 were bedevilled.

In November 2005, the Nether Secretary of State for Political Affairs, under authority delegated by the Secretary of State, exercised a National Security Waiver provision provided in the FY 2005 Foreign Operations Appropriations Human activity to remove congressional restrictions on Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and lethal defense articles. These actions represented a reestablishment of normalized military relations, allowing the U.S. to provide more substantial support for Indonesian efforts to reform the armed forces, increment its power to respond to national and regional disasters, and promote regional stability.

Workers rights [edit]

Regarding worker rights, Indonesia was the target of several petitions filed under the Generalized Arrangement of Preferences (GSP) legislation arguing that Indonesia did non meet internationally recognized labor standards. A formal GSP review was suspended in Feb 1994 without terminating GSP benefits for Republic of indonesia. Since 1998, Republic of indonesia has ratified all viii International Labor Organization core conventions on protecting internationally recognized worker rights and immune trade unions to organize. Nonetheless, enforcement of labor laws and protection of workers rights remains inconsistent and weak in some areas. Indonesia's ho-hum economic recovery has pushed more workers into the informal sector, which reduces legal protection and could create atmospheric condition for increases in child labor.

Development assistances [edit]

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its predecessors take provided evolution assistance to Indonesia since 1950. Initial assistance focused on the well-nigh urgent needs of the new republic, including food aid, infrastructure rehabilitation, health intendance, and preparation. For thirty years, between 1967 and 2007, U.S. aid to Indonesia was provided within the arrangements of, starting time, the Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia, and later the Consultative Group on Indonesia. Through the 1970s, a time of enormous economical growth in Indonesia, USAID played a significant office in helping the country reach self-sufficiency in rice production and in reducing the nascence rate. Today, USAID assist programs focus on primary education, democratic governance, rebuilding afterward the 2004 tsunami, economic growth, health, water, nutrient, and the environment.

Improving the quality of decentralized pedagogy

In Oct 2003, President Bush announced a $157 million Indonesian Educational activity Initiative for 2004–2009 to improve the quality of educational activity in Republic of indonesia. This initiative is a cornerstone of the U.South. Regime assistance program in Indonesia, straight responding to Indonesia'south priorities and reflecting a joint Republic of indonesia-U.S. delivery to revitalize teaching for the adjacent generation of Indonesia's leaders.

Managing basic education (MBE)

Since 2003, this projection has worked with local governments to strengthen their capacity to effectively manage primary education services in 20 districts/municipalities in East and Cardinal Java, Aceh, and Jakarta. MBE is too working with 10,000 educators to improve the quality of teaching and learning in grades one–nine through in-service teacher preparation, customs participation, and the promotion of school-based management. MBE directly reaches 450 schools, twenty% of which are madrassah, and 140,000 students. Through broadcasting of good practices, teachers from 2,000 additional schools received training terminal year.

Decentralized basic instruction (DBE)

The Indonesia Education Initiative will increase the quality of basic education in primary and inferior secondary schools, both public and private, and focus on three results: (DBE1) Local governments and communities more than effectively manage instruction services; (DBE2) Enhance the quality of teaching and learning to amend pupil functioning in disquisitional subjects such equally math, scientific discipline, and reading; and (DBE3) Youth gain more relevant life and work skills to better compete for jobs in the future.

Opportunities for vulnerable children

This program promotes inclusive educational activity in Indonesia. Children with special needs, such as visual harm are provided with the opportunity to be educated in public schools. Replicable models are being developed to expand the attain of the program.

Sesame Street Indonesia

An Indonesian co-production of the award-winning television bear witness targeting immature children is being developed and produced past the Sesame Workshop in New York with local Indonesian partners and USAID funding. Millions of Indonesian children volition be improve equipped to start school. The first season of the testify, titled Jalan Sesama, was starting time aired in 2008.

Effective democracy and decentralized governance

This objective aims to support autonomous reforms past supporting effective and accountable local governance, addressing conflict and encouraging pluralism, and consolidating national-level democratic reforms.

Mitigation of conflict and back up for peace

USAID remains a crucial donor working to mitigate conflict and support peace in conflict areas, such equally Aceh, Papua, Sulawesi, and Ambon. Aid activities focus on: conflict resolution/mitigation; civilian-military diplomacy; livelihoods development in conflict areas; drafting and monitoring of relevant legislation; and emergency and mail service-conflict transitional assistance to conflict-affected persons.

Anti-trafficking in persons

USAID's anti-trafficking programs work closely with the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and civil guild groups in policymaking, programme development, victim support, and dissemination of information which will contribute to reducing the trafficking of women and children in Indonesia.

Justice sector reforms

Through the Autonomous Reform Support Programme and Justice Sector Reform Program, USAID's current Justice Sector programs provide technical assistance and training to judges, prosecutors and staff members at the Supreme Court, the Ramble Court, and the Attorney General's Office.

Legislative strengthening

Technical assistance and training are provided to strengthen the legislative and legal drafting skills of parliamentarians besides as provide institutional support to the National Firm of Representatives, National Regional Representative Council, 9 provincial legislative councils and 40 district-level legislative councils. Activities include promoting constituency and media outreach; developing the capacity to typhoon and analyze legislation and operational budgets; creating inter-party coalitions; encouraging legislative commissions to carry out their functions and perform strategic planning.

The local governance back up program

Currently assisting 60 local governments, this plan works to increment governmental accountability and transparency, strengthen the local legislative procedure, promote denizen engagement and civil service reform, and meliorate the delivery of bones services.

Media development

In October 2005, USAID funded a new media development project entitled "Building on the Foundations: Strengthening Professional, Responsible and Responsive Broadcast Media in Indonesia." The goal of the program is to build professional, information-based local media that are responsive to the evolution and reform of districts across Indonesia. The plan assists local radio stations in North Sumatra, Aceh and Java, fostering dialogue on media regulations, and providing support for media and media educational activity in Aceh.

Tsunami Reconstruction

The U.Due south. Government was one of the get-go donors to respond to the disaster and remains i of the nearly significant contributors to relief and reconstruction efforts in Indonesia. Through numerous grants to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations, and United nations agencies, USAID has helped stabilize the humanitarian situation in Aceh, avert a public wellness crisis, and provide relief services to survivors.

Rebuilding shelter and cardinal infrastructure

USAID is profitable communities by providing much-needed shelter, working with the Indonesian regime to rebuild vital infrastructure, and ensuring proper mapping and planning is considered through local cooperation.

Restoring livelihoods

USAID enables communities to direct capacity building to benefit people at the local level. USAID's Community Based Recovery Initiative is working with 59 villages to organize local capacity-building initiatives.

Strengthening capacity and governance

USAID is assisting in restoring local government services in Aceh, working to increase governmental accountability and transparency, strengthen the local legislative procedure, promote denizen engagement and civil service reform, and improve the delivery of bones services.

Economical growth strengthened and employment created

Assistance to the Indonesian government and individual sector focuses on creating jobs past improving the business concern and investment climate, combating abuse, increasing competitiveness in key sectors, and improving the safe of the fiscal system. USAID is working with Indonesians to ensure that hereafter generations savor an increasingly prosperous, democratic and stable country.

Business climate and enterprise development

Efforts to promote a transparent and predictable legal and regulatory business concern climate aim to reduce the hidden costs of doing business, to reduce uncertainty, and to promote trade, investment and job creation. USAID delivers technical assistance to leading industry sectors to fuel growth, exports, jobs, and prosperity. These efforts bulldoze increased productivity and national competitiveness past forging stronger coalitions of public, private, and civil club advocates for legal, regulatory, and policy change.

Financial sector safe and soundness

USAID is working to improve the oversight of bank and not-bank financial intermediaries in order to promote safe and soundness in the financial system and to meliorate transparency and governance.

Improving the quality of basic human being services

The USAID Basic Human Services Office assists Indonesia through an integrated strategy combining health, nutrient/nutrition, and environmental management and water services at the district and community levels.

Environmental services

This plan supports amend health through improved h2o resources management and expanded access to make clean h2o and sanitation services. With a ridge to reef approach, partners improve water resource management from watershed sources, along rivers, through cities, and to littoral reefs. In the upper watershed, the program promotes forest management, biodiversity conservation, and land use planning to protect a steady, year-round source of clean h2o. Further downstream, the program strengthens municipal water utilities to improve and expand piped water and sanitation services to communities. Stakeholder forums link upstream and downstream communities to build consensus on water and waste product management bug. Marginalized urban communities also do good from the introduction of condom drinking water through Air Rahmat, a home chlorination product being introduced to the market through a public-private partnership.

Health services

Women, newborns and children are the main beneficiaries of this integrated public health plan. Working with the government, NGOs, and other partners, USAID focuses on maternal, neonatal and kid wellness; reproductive health; diet; HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria; and decentralization of the health sector. Improved wellness-seeking behaviors within communities link key hygiene promotion interventions, such equally hand-washing with lather, in society to reduce diarrheal affliction, a major cause of childhood expiry. New initiatives address challenges from the re-emergence of polio and the outbreak of avian influenza in Indonesia.

Nutrient and nutrition

Improving the nutritional status of Indonesians, USAID food assistance targets impoverished communities. These activities directly touch women and children through targeted supplemental feeding and nutritional education activities. The nutrient aid plan works with villages to construct public latrines, washing facilities, protected water stations, and to organize solid waste disposal efforts to better protect community health. Over one 1000000 people will be direct recipients of USAID food assistance under this program.

At America [edit]

In December 2010, the U.s. reached out to the Indonesian youth by establishing @america, a loftier-tech, interactive operation heralded as the digital-age successor to the venerable American Cultural Center. Information technology is also American public diplomacy's latest effort to win over immature foreigners, particularly in Muslim countries. @america represents the U.S. government's showtime effort at creating a full-fledged cultural middle since the September 11, 2001 attacks.[20]

@america is a cutting-border, 21st-century cultural center where visitors tin can explore and experience the U.South., and limited their thoughts and ideas about America. At @america, visitors could discover state-of-the-art technology and learn more about the U.Due south. Through discussions, webchats, cultural performances, debates, competitions, and exhibitions, visitors can experience the best of America – its ideals, creativity, and diversity.[21] This American Cultural Center located on the tertiary flooring of Pacific Place Mall, Sudirman Fundamental Business District, Dki jakarta. The applied science on display — a giant, supercharged version of Google Earth called Liquid Milky way, scores of iPads that are available to test, interactive monitors explaining Black History Month — thrilled the teenagers.[xx]

Diplomatic missions [edit]

The U.S. embassy in Indonesia is located in Jakarta. At that place are U.Due south. consulate generals in Surabaya (principal officer: Caryn R. McClelland) and Medan (primary officer: Sean Stein). There is a U.S. consular agency in Denpasar.

The Indonesian diplomatic mission in the U.S. is located in Washington D.C., with consulate generals in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston.[22]

Principal U.S. Embassy officials [edit]

  • Ambassador--Sung Kim

Armed services cooperation [edit]

Indonesian and US forces participating in a platoon exchange program in 2019

In 2010, the United States lifted a ban on military contacts with Kopassus, an Indonesian special operations forces involved with man rights abuses in the 1990s.[23]

In Jan 2018 visit to Jakarta, Secretary of Defense James Mattis stated that Republic of indonesia was a maritime fulcrum in the Asia-Pacific region, and wanted Indonesia and the U.S. to cooperate on issues of maritime security.[24] During that same visit, Secretary Mattis said he believed that Kopassus had reformed sufficiently to justify increased contact with the U.Due south.[23]

Military sales [edit]

The United States is a major supplier of military hardware to Indonesia, including of Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopters and the F-sixteen Fighting Falcon.[23] Equally of Jan 2018, Republic of indonesia is exploring purchasing an additional 48 F-16 shipping, for as much equally $4.5 billion.[23]

See also [edit]

  • Indonesian Americans
  • Strange relations of the United States
  • Foreign relations of Indonesia

References [edit]

  1. ^ Almond, Roncevert Ganan (23 October 2016). "Why Indonesia Matters in a Flavour of Change – Indonesia is of import to the U.Southward., in ways that might be unexpected". The Diplomat.
  2. ^ "Indonesian Opinion of the United States". Pew Inquiry Center . Retrieved 20 September 2015.
  3. ^ "Opinion of the Usa". Pew Enquiry Center . Retrieved twenty September 2015.
  4. ^ "Global Indicators Database". Pew Enquiry Heart'southward Global Attitudes Project . Retrieved 2019-09-07 .
  5. ^ U.S. Global Leadership Projection Study – 2012 Gallup
  6. ^ Marc Frey, "Decolonization and Dutch-American Relations," in Krabebbendam, ed., 4 Centuries of Dutch-American Relations (2009) pp 609-20.
  7. ^ 1000. C. Ricklefs, A History of Mod Indonesia since c. 1200 (3rd ed. 2001) pp 261–90.
  8. ^ Soo Chun Lu, "'Trade with the Devil': Rubber, Common cold War Embargo, and US–Indonesian Relations, 1951–1956." Diplomacy and Statecraft 19.1 (2008): 42–68.
  9. ^ Richard Bricklayer, "The United States, the Cold War and Republic of indonesia-People'southward Commonwealth of Mainland china Relations, 1950–1955." KEMANUSIAAN: The Asian Journal of Humanities 23.1 (2016) Online.
  10. ^ David Webster, "Regimes in Motion: The Kennedy Assistants and Indonesia'due south New Frontier, 1960–1962." Diplomatic History 33.1 (2009): 95–123.
  11. ^ Matthew Jones, "U.s. relations with Indonesia, the Kennedy-Johnson transition, and the Vietnam connection, 1963–1965." Diplomatic History 26.ii (2002): 249–281. online
  12. ^ H. Due west. Brands, "The limits of Manipulation: How the The states didn't topple Sukarno." Journal of American History 76.3 (1989): 785–808. online
  13. ^ Rebecca Strating (2015). Social Commonwealth in East Timor. Routledge. pp. 30–31. ISBN9781317504238.
  14. ^ Bridegroom R. Andersen, "East Timor and Republic of indonesia: Some Implications," in Peter Carey and G. Carter Bentley, eds., East Timor at the Crossroads: The Forging of a Nation (University of Hawaii Press, 1995), 138–twoscore.
  15. ^ Adam Schwarz, A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia'south Search for Stability (Westview Press, 2000) pp 198–204.
  16. ^ Brad Simpson, "'Illegally and Beautifully': The United States, the Indonesian Invasion of E Timor and the International Community, 1974–76." Cold War History five.3 (2005): 281–315.
  17. ^ "Report: U.Due south. Artillery Transfers to Indonesia 1975–1997 – Globe Policy Plant – Research Project". World Policy Establish. Archived from the original on February 26, 2017. Retrieved July 13, 2014.
  18. ^ Ann Marie Murphy, "United states rapprochement with Indonesia: from problem land to partner." Contemporary Southeast Asia (2010): 362–387. online
  19. ^ Meidyatama Suryodiningrat, "US rapprochement with Indonesia: From problem state to partner—A response." Gimmicky Southeast Asia 32.3 (2010): 388–394. extract
  20. ^ a b Norimitsu Onishi (March v, 2011). "U.Southward. Updates the Make Information technology Promotes in Indonesia". The New York Times . Retrieved 6 February 2013.
  21. ^ "About @america". @america. Retrieved 6 February 2013.
  22. ^ "Daerah Yuridiksi KJRI di Amerika Serikat". October 22, 2013.
  23. ^ a b c d Stewart, Ohil; Beo Da Costa, Agustinus (January 23, 2018). Davies, Edward; Macfie, Nick (eds.). "Indonesia looks to U.Southward. to relax limits on its special forces". Reuters.
  24. ^ Burns, Robert (January 22, 2018). "Usa says it wants to help Indonesia provide maritime security". The Associated Printing.

Public Domain This article incorporates public domain material from the U.s.a. Department of State website https://2009-2017.land.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2748.htm#relations.

Further reading [edit]

  • Bootsma, Northward. "The Discovery of Republic of indonesia: Western (not-Dutch) Historiography on the Decolonization of Republic of indonesia." in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde 1ste Afl (1995): one-22. online in English language
  • Freise, Christopher. "American thou strategy and U.s. foreign policy towards Indonesia" (PhD. Diss. U of Melbourne 2017) online bibliography on pp. 253–269.
  • Hamilton-Hart, Natasha, and Dave McRae. "Indonesia: balancing the United states of america and People's republic of china, aiming for independence." (United states Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, 2015) online.
  • Jones, Matthew. Conflict and Confrontation in South Eastward Asia, 1961–1965: Britain, the U.s., Indonesia and the Cosmos of Malaysia (Cambridge UP, 2001).
  • Koopmans, Joop Due west. Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015).
  • Krabbendam, Hans, Cornelis A. van Minnen, and Giles Scott-Smith, eds. Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations: 1609-2009 (SUNY Press, 2009). Excerpt; comprehensive coverage in 1190 pages.
  • Loeber, Hans, ed. Dutch-American Relations 1945-1969: A Partnership; Illusions and Facts (1992), scholarly essays
  • McMahon, Robert J. Colonialism and Cold State of war: The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1945–49 (1981)
  • McMahon, Robert J. The Limits of Empire: The U.s.a. and Southeast Asia Since World State of war Ii (Columbia UP, 1999)
  • Matray, James I. ed. East Asia and the United States: An Encyclopedia of relations since 1784 (2 vol. Greenwood, 2002). excerpt v ii
  • Mokken, Robert J. "Dutch-American comparisons of the "sense of political efficacy"." Quality & Quantity three.ane (1969): 125-152.
  • Murphy, Ann Marie. "U.s.a. Rapprochement with Indonesia: From Problem Country to Partner." Contemporary Southeast Asia 32#3 (2010): 362-87.
  • Ricklefs, M.C. A History of Modernistic Indonesia since c. 1200 (fourth ed. Macmillan 2008), a standard survey.
  • Roadnight, Andrew. United States Policy Towards Republic of indonesia in the Truman and Eisenhower Years (2002).
  • Scott-Smith, Giles, and David J. Snyder. "'A Exam of Sentiments': Civil Aviation, Alliance Politics, and the KLM Challenge in Dutch-American Relations." Diplomatic History 37.v (2013): 917-945.
  • Scott-Smith, Giles. "The Ties that Bind: Dutch-American Relations, United states Public Affairs and the Promotion of American Studies since the Second World War." Hague Journal of Diplomacy ii.3 (2007): 283-305. online
  • Simpson, Bradley R. "Denying the 'First Right': The Us, Indonesia, and the Ranking of Homo Rights by the Carter Administration, 1976-1980." International History Review 31#4 (2009): 798-826.
  • Smith, Anthony L. "A Drinking glass Half Total: Indonesia-Us Relations in the Age of Terror." Gimmicky Southeast Asia 25#iii (2003): 449-72.
  • van Dijk, Cornelis West. "The American Political Intervention in the Disharmonize in the Dutch East Indies 1945-1949" (Army Command And Full general Staff College, 2009) online.
  • Wardaya, Baskara T. "Diplomacy and Cultural Understanding: Learning from U.S. Policy toward Indonesia under Sukarno." International Journal 67#4 (2012).
  • Yang, Eveline. "Indonesian Americans." Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America, edited past Thomas Riggs, (3rd ed., vol. 2, Gale, 2014), pp. 401-411. online

Principal sources [edit]

  • McMahon, Robert J., ed. Foreign Relations of the U.s., 1958-1960: Indonesia vol. XVII. Washington, DC: GPO, 1994. online.
  • McMahon, Robert J. ed. Strange Relations of the United States, 1958-1960: Indonesia. Vol. XVII (Washington: GPO, 1994).

External links [edit]

  • Diplomatic mission of Republic of indonesia in Washington DC, United States
  • Embassy of the U.s. in Djakarta, Indonesia
  • Republic of indonesia – US Economic Relations from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Diplomacy Digital Archives
  • History of Indonesia – U.S. relations
  • Politics, Public Opinion, and the U.S.-Indonesian Comprehensive Partnership (NBR Special Report, December 2010)
  • American-Indonesian Relations: Obama'south Indonesia Question
  • Indonesia U.Southward.A a new partnership
  • Obama and Indonesia UsaA relations
  • Outlines of foreign relations
  • Birth of the Commonwealth of Indonesia The first menses of Indonesian independence


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia%E2%80%93United_States_relations

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